Another Great Review for Stobi's 2014 Vintage
Posted on Mon 17th Aug 2015 at 12:43

We are delighted with the review given by Paul Caputo on his blog this month.
Focussing on the Stobi 2014 Žilavka, Cuvée and Rosé, Paul shares memories of his trip through Macedonia last summer which were marred by to the heavy rain fall that posed a huge challenge to wineries of this Eastern Mediterranean region. However, as Paul points out, things turned out “pretty well” for Stobi’s 2014 vintage. In his blog, Paul was “able to get a feel for how the new vintage might tie in with the British palate” summarising the trio as follows, “the Stobi Cuvée, a blend of Rkaciteli and Zupljanka with a drop of Chardonnay, the 2014 Zilavka, intriguing for its pure simplicity and finally the 2014 rose, a blend of predominantly Vranec, but with some Cabernet Sauvignon in there for good measure”. To read Paul’s full tasting notes on these three wines, click here. To taste these new vintage wines for yourself, call us on 0845 370 2255 or email us direct. Signature Wines is the exclusive importer and wholesaler for the Stobi Winery of Macedonia.