
We were thrilled to read a recent article with wine expert Ivana Simjanovska on Not only is the interview with Simjanovksa, a judge at wine competitions and co-author of two books about Macedonia’s wine, a fascinating overview of everything to do with our country’s wines, but it also contains what was a lovely surprise for us. When asked about her favourite bottles, Ivana lists our Stobi Zilvka 2014 as one of her recent favourites.

Some of our favourite Stobi reviews

Posted on Thu 12th Oct 2017 at 11:11

We’re always thrilled when people take the time to write lovely things about the wines we wholesale and distribute in the UK, and to say thank you we’ve highlighted some of our favourite reviews and comments below. It really does make our day to read your wonderful feedback, so please keep sharing your thoughts with us!

A busy time at Stobi – an update from our winery

Posted on Thu 31st Aug 2017 at 09:02

Hello from sunny Macedonia! While everyone has been off on their holidays we’ve been working hard to ensure that the next Stobi wines are as good as they possibly can be. Unfortunately, as we had to start the harvest very early this year our first step was cancelling everyone’s vacations! Wine is a demanding mistress, and with the hot temperatures there really was no other choice. We'll make it up to everyone later!

Stobi Wines Wins Awards Again

Posted on Mon 7th Aug 2017 at 08:27

Signature Wines is delighted to announce news that some of Stobi’s premium and classic wines have won Gold and Silver at several award ceremonies this year including the Mundus Vini 2017 and Chardonnay du Monde.

Vive la Revolution!

Posted on Mon 31st Jul 2017 at 11:26

We were very interested to read an article in the ever-fascinating Drinks Business about the growing popularity of rosé wines. Entitled ‘Rosé Revolution Gains Momentum’, the article highlights the ever-increasing popularity of rosé around the world. This growth is particularly fuelled by demand for higher end rosés: the article states, for example, that “a decade ago just 0.4 million litres of the wine was exported to the US, and now American consumers are guzzling 11.4 million litres of Provence pink a year.”

Brexit Fears Cause Problems for the UK Drinks Trade

Posted on Wed 21st Jun 2017 at 11:44

Thanks to fears that Britain may decide to leave the EU on 23rd June this year, exchange rates are plummeting. This is bad news for everyone – from bankers to those who just want to go on holiday – but few have grasped just how serious it is for the UK wine trade.

Don’t be Afraid to Go Small

Posted on Mon 5th Jun 2017 at 11:26

Go big or go home? Not any more, at least in not where the wine industry is concerned. Whereas big businesses used to rule the wholesale market, Signature is proud to be part of the group of small wine importers that are shaking things up.

Once Again, Stobi Gets Rave Reviews

Posted on Mon 15th May 2017 at 12:25

We are delighted to see 4 of our most popular wines have been given great reviews in the Kensignton Magazine, which you can see here.Selected just in time to be savored as summer starts and coinciding with a plethora of Bank Holidays, all wines are best enjoyed chilled and serve beautifully with many summer dishes, perfect for those that like to dine al fresco. Enjoy! Selected to compliment the start of summer and coinciding with a plethora of Bank Holidays to get us in the mood, these wines are all best served chilled and serve beautifully with many summer dishes for those that

Stobi Wines Wines Mundus Vini 2017 Awards

Posted on Thu 13th Apr 2017 at 11:37

We are delighted to announce that in this year’s spring issue of Mundus Vini 2017, 3 wines from Stobi Winery were awarded.

Wines of Stobi are Very Impressive

Posted on Fri 7th Apr 2017 at 12:07

Matthew Horkey from Exotic Wine Travel gives Stobi high praise again after visiting the Vinodonia Skopje Wine Salon wine tasting which took place in Macedonia for the first time last November which showcased wines from nearly twenty Macedonian wineries including Stobi, in addition to several other wineries from Serbia, Slovenia, and Italy.About Stobi, Matthew said "The wines of Stobi are very impressive for such high production. All of their wines are of good quality. The top wines are well made and screaming value

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