A busy time at Stobi – an update from our winery

Posted on Thu 31st Aug 2017 at 09:02

Hello from sunny Macedonia! While everyone has been off on their holidays we’ve been working hard to ensure that the next Stobi wines are as good as they possibly can be. Unfortunately, as we had to start the harvest very early this year our first step was cancelling everyone’s vacations! Wine is a demanding mistress, and with the hot temperatures there really was no other choice. We'll make it up to everyone later!

We started the Chardonnay harvest on 10th August, but as well all know a harvest actually commences long before the first grape is plucked from the vine. All our processing equipment, for example, had to thoroughly cleaned and disinfected – not the most glamorous job in winemaking but one of the most crucial. We also undertook daily health checks on our grapes alongside a regular programme of spraying, and carried out a further health check for every employee. All this might sound a little over the top, but it helps us protect our wine and customers as well as our staff.

One of the final steps before harvest is bottling our previous vintages to free up space for the new liquid. Thanks to the growing popularity of Macedonian wine across Europe, however, we know even these new bottles will find good homes very soon.As soon as we started harvesting the grapes, of which we grow a diverse variety, we faced the final confirmation of something we had known all year: the winter frost had left an indelible mark and our harvest was reduced. This is a common problem for Macedonian vineyards this year but we promise that it hasn’t affected quality, only quantity!

Our production is now in full swing, but even that doesn't give us a break from other tasks that have to be completed, like preparing for the next audit of our International Food Standard certificate. This certificate, for vinification and bottling, is very important for Stobi as it provides an unbiased and expert confirmation of our high standards, proving that we are a reliable trading partner on the grounds of quality, safety and legality.

Overall, we’re excited about sharing the fruits of our labours with all our valued partners, and to raising a glass of 2017 Stobi with you when the time is ripe. Maybe after we've caught up on our sleep! 

Excellence as standard....that’s our Marque of Distinction

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Tuesday: 9:00am - 17:00pm
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Thursday: 9:00am - 17:00pm
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