Interview with Signature Commercial Director, John Luttrell
Posted on Tue 12th Aug 2014 at 15:48

What is your responsibility at Signature Wines?I am the Commercial Director, this involves me in all aspects of the business but specifically strategy and driving the business to meet its objectives.
How long have you been working for them? Since we launched in 2012. What is the best part about your job?Working with a tremendous team of people and having a range of wines that really are very very good. And the worst? One or two of the hangovers the next morning. Which is your favourite Stobi Wine and why? Vranec, a red wine that goes with almost anything and leaves you always wanting more. Which five famous people would you love to have over for dinner and why?Kylie, Kylie, Kylie, Kylie, Kylie, that’s my secret. Name five things you ‘can’t live without’ Marmite, chilled wine on a very hot day, playing football on a Tuesday night, golf with my 6 year old son Jonny, the rush when winning a major account. What is your motto? Tough times never last, tough people do. Who is your hero? David Beckham. Finish this sentence: “a world without wine is like...." steak without chips.